Katelyn Brooke's Stunt Bio
Katelyn Brooke, born in Minneapolis, MN, grew up always having the desire to perform. Whether it is on stage or on camera, her drive is unlike any other to entertain those around. “To perform is to live,” Katelyn says.
She is a stunt woman/actress who aims for nothing short of giving each and every experience her absolute best. Her specialty has always been boxing. She is known for her quick hands and strong execution. She takes great pride in her work but more importantly she takes pride in the opportunities she has to make a positive impact on everyone she encounters on and off set.
Katelyn states, “My goal, no matter what career or environment I find myself in, is to be light in a dark place. I absolutely love what I do, but I love people even more. Always find time to share a smile and believe that those moments will change the course of your world.”
Katelyn Brooke’s love for her career in stunts is immediately followed by her love for volleyball. She is currently training to compete in beach volleyball with the goal of participating on the AVP Pro Tour.
“If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, then they are not big enough. No matter how impossible the feat may seem, never give up until you have achieved." She applies this to her career in stunts and in her everyday life experiences. "Work
hard and success will come," Katelyn says.
"Everyday I wake up and am thankful for the people in my life who have helped me along the way in achieving my life-long goals and dreams. I have truly been blessed.”

What inspired you to become a stunt person?
This question is always a fun one for me to answer. I was brought to Los Angeles about 10 years ago on a song-writing contract, so I was here pursuing music full time. Studio sessions, rehearsals with the band, live performances, the whole 9 yards.
I had been performing internationally already for about 8 years at that point and decided to make the big move to LA and expand my career here. Long story short, I had a show for the NBA All-Stars one year and I needed to hire people who could do flips and tricks in the background while my dancers and I filled the front of the stage.
Through the tricking community is where I was introduced to the world of stunts. I was immediately attracted to the mindset and discipline that was very evident in the persona of a stunt performer. They are the athletes of the film industry!
I grew up competing in very high level sports, including but limited to collegiate level indoor volleyball. I understood the aspect of a team. I resonated with the idea that 'my success is your success.' We all need to work together to achieve the best possible result. These same concepts and ideals I found within those I met in the stunt business.
It made me realize how much I missed being a part of a TEAM. The music business can be a very lonely world. So many are just out for themselves and do not care who they burn to get one step ahead. That way of thinking was just not my cup of tea. I have always been the person to want to achieve great things and make a lasting impression all while sharing that experience with those around me.
Success is so much sweeter when done with a group of people who all have everyone's best interest at heart. So to answer this question, it only takes me two words... What inspired me to be a stunt performer?.... THE COMMUNITY!
What is your greatest skill as a stunt performer, is there a story behind it? What I consider my greatest skill is maybe not one that everyone else would choose when asked this question. I believe my greatest skill is that of being COACHABLE. I know my limitations, I know my body mechanics and I know that I will give 150% to every job that comes my way.
I take great pride in being able to be honest about what I can bring to the table. If I were to choose a niche of the industry, I would say my speciality is fighting. When I was in college, during my off season from volleyball, I was training to compete in boxing. I had no idea that that skill would later be utilized in a career that I could not have foreseen coming my way.
I am a quick study and if there is something I don't understand completely I have no problem asking the questions and doing the research to make sure I can deliver what is expected.
What advice would you give other stunt people?
I will always say, "Be Honest." Do not be ashamed for not knowing something or not having a particular skill. As athletes we tend to have the mentality of wanting to be the best.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this because it is fuel to our fire, but we must change the narrative slightly... be YOUR best. Be inspired by your peers but do not try to become them.
Have confidence in your skill set and build upon what you have. With each new day better yourself in some capacity, whether that is a physical attribute, mental, spiritual or emotional.
Instagram: @katelynbrookela
IMDB: imdb.me/katelynbrooke Stunt Players Directory: https://www.stuntplayers.com/player/katelyn-brooke/ iStunt: https://www.istunt.com/katelyn--blaisdell Stunt Phone: https://www.stuntphone.com/viewprofile/1986/