Tell a bit about life before stunts.
I was born and raised in Yonkers NY, currently living in Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan. I've been obsessed with movies for as far back as a can remember. As soon as I was old enough to realize people actually make a living making Movies come to life, I knew that is what I wanted to do. I have been on this path ever since. Many things in life come and go, but my passion for film sustains me.
What inspired you to become a stunt person?
As a kid I wanted to make movies. So at first I wanted to be a Director. Then I got my first lead acting gig and got a taste for performing. I am a classically trained Actor who studied at various schools such as The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute.
I guess what inspired me to pursue Stunts was the fact that the Stunt Team is what actually brings movies to life. They are the ones that risk life and limb to physically transport you into a world where your favorite stars are doing extraordinary things.
What is your greatest skill as a stunt performer, is there a story behind it?
I would say my greatest skill as a Stunt Performer is not a flashy one. I am not a gymnast. I am not a Martial Arts expert (Although I do train Krav Maga.) I would say my greatest skill would be my ability to take Direction.
I usually have a deep understanding for what my employers are looking for and I am willing and able to adjust to any situation no matter how its communicated to me. I show up on time, prepared, and ready to work.
What is the best part about being a stunt performer?
For me, the best part about being a Stunt Performer is the camaraderie. The Stunt world has fought (literally) for decades to be acknowledged by the industry for all that they do and sadly the fight continues. This creates an unbreakable unspoken bond to all who is fortunate enough to book work.
What advice would you give other stunt people?
The only advice I would give to anyone thinking about jumping into this world is to only pursue it if you love it. This is one of the toughest Industries to break into. And the Stunt community is the toughest community in the Industry. It takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
There's no reason to chase this dream if you don't absolutely love it. Also, most importantly, ALWAYS be honest about your capabilities. This is the most dangerous job in show biz. Lying about what you're capable of can lead to injury or death. For you or your fellow Stunt Performers.
Anything else you would like to tell the community about?
Lastly, I would just like to thank the Stunt Players Directory for reaching out and doing what they can to spread a bit of positivity during these trying times. The Industry is on hold and a lot of us are hurting. But hey, we're used to hurting for our craft right!? If anyone is built to make it through these tough times, it's us.
I am beyond honored to be a blip on the radar of such an amazing community of Warriors. Its not an easy profession to navigate, but it's certainly rewarding to see all the hard work come to life! Nothing worth while comes easy.
Facebook: Adam Piacente
Instagram: @adampiacente
Movie Review Page: @gonogomoviereviews
Stunt Players Directory: https://www.stuntplayers.com/player/adam-piacente/