What has been the biggest highlight of your career?
I’m not sure any stunt coordinator can answer that easily. There are so many moments that stand out and picking just one is truly difficult.
However, I will say Avatar. I was on the movie for 5 years and what we were making changed the way people make films for eternity so to me that is special.
What is the greatest lesson you have learned over the years as a stunt coordinator?
If you’re not 30 minutes early, you’re late. This applies to me as well on set.
What are the greatest qualities you seek out in a stunt performer?
Of course, talent is first, then charisma, camera awareness, ease to work with, and finally being tough because we are stunt people.
When the actor breaks my nose I try to not make a big deal out of it, clean it up quickly and finish the day. Of course if it’s a serious injury you handle it right away but I try not to make the world come to an end for me. Put someone else in my spot and let’s get me out of here quietly.
What advice would you give up and coming stunt performers?
Become amazing at one skill and proficient at all. Learn who the great stunt performers were, The Bob Brown’s, Vic and Andy Armstrong, Conrad Palmisano’s, Dar Robinson, Hal Needham and my list goes on. See how they did it!
What do you love most about the stunt community?
That we are the magicians and we stick together. We do the things that we do not for fame but for love. If one of our friends is in need we come to their aid.